Become a NJFPA Member for the 2024-2025 scholastic year! Learn More

SEE 2024-2025 Meeting Dates

Meetings are held September through June and alternate as virtual or in-person meetings. Become a member, check the schedule and join us! 


The New Jersey Association of Federal Program Administrators, or NJAFPA, is a professional association of public school federal program administrators that provides support, guidance & on-going professional learning for entitlement programs within New Jersey public schools.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support our members working with federal entitlement programs throughout New Jersey. We strive to provide relevant, job-embedded continuing education through regular membership meetings as well as annual fall and spring conferences. Please get involved and to let us know what issues you would like us to address, please send a brief note to our Executive Committee.

join Our Facebook Group

Please join our members only Facebook group. This group is private and will include discussions related to Federal Program Administration. This will be an excellent resource for well vetted vendors, professional development providers and materials. Additionally, we will provide sample answers to ESSA Title grant application questions and updates on deadlines and information. Don’t miss out… join today!

NJAFPA provides a critical set of tools and resources for job-embedded professional learning. See what this support network offers!


find us on twitter

NJ Association of Federal Program Administrators – Navigating ESSA & Ensuring equity for all students.
Annual Leadership Conference #NJAFPA22 #TitleI #ESSA

New Jersey Association of Federal Program Administrators