Become a NJFPA Member for the 2024-2025 scholastic year! Learn More
As Federal Program Administrators in our districts, we understand that getting the resources to help navigate and comply with federal programs for the benefit of the students of the district is often a complicated and time consuming endeavor.
The complexity of federally mandated educational programs and their implementation can be daunting if undertaken alone. We are here to help you in any and every way!
Timely- Authoritative – Actionable
“Information is power” as the saying goes, but this is only true if the information is accurate and actionable.
Perhaps the most important reasons to become a member of this organization is that we are the definitive source for timely, accurate and actionable information for New Jersey Federal Grant Administrators.
Understanding the breadth and scope, timetables and requirements of Federal Educational Mandates saves you valuable time and energy. Not knowing can have serious consequences for your students and your district.
Membership in NJAFPA gets you access to information regarding every aspect of Federal Grant Administration in New Jersey… information not available from any other single source.
At monthly membership meetings, you will meet Federal Grant Administrators from other districts and exchange ideas and experiences. Every month we feature a guest speaker. Our guest speakers are experts who will provide high-level information in the area of their expertise.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get the benefits of lively exchanges of the challenges and solutions on a wide variety of topics…. all included as part of membership.
Bi-annual conferences allow you to get immersed in the latest information, current trends, and case studies. Our speakers are dynamic and some of the most respected, influential and knowledgeable professionals in the country.
Stay connected! We deliver the latest schedules, news and updates to your e-mail inbox, monthly!
Reserve and pay for your conference attendance and membership on-line, get in-depth information on speakers and topics, complete contact and committee information, vendor list of vetted providers of valuable services, by-laws, agendas, meeting minutes and more…
As a member of NJAFPA you will meet your peers and form lasting and deep professional relationships.
We also offer mentorship for our newer or less experienced Federal Grant Administrators, providing you the opportunity to be mentored by a member that has experience and knowledge.
NJAFPA offers you many ways to get some professional help and guidance, and Mentorship is one of the most effective ways to do that.
Fellowship and deep friendships result from the close communication and common goals. Often, these are career- long relationships whose rewards go far beyond the challenges of administering federal education grants- yet another reason why you should become a member of NJAFPA.
As a member of NJAFPA you automatically become a member of the National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators, with all the privileges and benefits that organization membership grants.
© 2023 NJ Association of Federal Program Administrations. All rights reserved. Website by BFM.