NJAFPA is proud to announce the 2018
NJAFPA Student Scholarship Award Winners.
The NJAFPA Student Scholarship Awards are given to grade 12 students that have met the following criteria;
- Students have participated in at least one State or Federally funded program such as Title I/ Chapter I, ESL/Bilingual or Basic Skills Improvement Program, at some point between pre-kindergarten and grade twelve.
- Student’s academic performance for grades 9, 10, and 11 should be average or above based on local district standards (transcript).
- Student shows a definite financial need and this should be confirmed by the school district recommending the student.
And the Winner of the 2018 NJAFPA Student Scholarship Awards are;
Remy M. Jacob, Jaline Ramos, and Matthew Varghese.
Congratulation to this year’s winners and all the students that were nominated.