Fall Training Institute
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Eatontown Sheraton 6 Industrial Way E, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Dr. Stephen Peters
Motivational Speaker, Educational Leader, Author
With more than 32 years in education, Dr. Peters has been a classroom teacher, assistant principal, principal and director of secondary education. Most of his experiences have been in schools that made significant growth in short periods of time thus, resulting in both National and State Blue-Ribbon distinction. Read More
Topic: Know the keys to student success
Mr. Scott Miller
Senior Instructional Consultant, Author
Topic: Instruction to Increase Proficiency and PARCC Scores

In his career, Scott Miller has had the privilege of teaching students in all grade levels, Kindergarten through 12. He has also served as a Literacy Coach, Instructional Specialist and as a Coordinator of Writing Instruction. While employed with Clovis Unified School District, Scott worked with many dedicated administrators and teachers to help establish the “Buchanan Area Writing Project”. The Project successfully articulated a process-based, trait-specific model for writing instruction among nearly three hundred teachers in nine schools.
Scott works as an Author and Senior Instructional Consultant for Zaner-Bloser. He speak and keynotes at various national and regional conferences, and helps educators in forty-two states master skills and strategies for exceptional literacy instruction. Scott holds a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, a Texas Principal Certification, and maintains a California C.L.A.D teaching credential.
Vendor Spotlight: American Reading Company – Sponsoring Dr. Peters
Sales: Lindsay Foglio lindsayfoglio@americanreading.com
Vendor Spotlight: Zaner Bloser – Sponsoring Scott Miller
Sales: Susan Kilkenny susan.kilkenny@zaner-bloser.com Sales: Eden Sonta eden.sonta@zaner-bloser.com
Ten Actions to Educate Students from Poverty
Christine Lay, Assistant Superintendent, Gettysburg Area School District
Workshop Description:The session presenter is a certified trainer for Dr. Ruby Payne, a leading expert on the effects of poverty on student achievement and the learning environment. Dr. Payne has developed research-based programs and frameworks that have been shown to improve student achievement in mathematics and Literacy in high minority, high poverty schools when implemented with fidelity.The presenter will review and discuss the 10 actions to Educate Students implemented in model schools. Participants will learn methods and strategies that can be taken back and immediately implemented.
The Teacher Leader: Supporting School and Student Success
Dr. Judith Stegmaier Nappi, Professor
Workshop Description: In today’s educational and financial climate, it is very clear that the school principal cannot go solo and hiring additional administration is not always feasible. Therefore, it is virtually impossible to have school and student success without the use of distributive leadership. The Ten Roles of Teacher Leaders are identified by J. Killion and C. Harrison (2006) in Taking the Lead: New Roles for Teaches and School Based Coaches. In addition, the Teacher Leader Model Standards describe the knowledge and skills required of teacher leaders. The Standards offer some ideas for implementation, as well as a plan of action to support teacher leaders. In this presentation, participants will gain an understanding as to how teacher leaders can work within their schools and districts to support teachers, program, and students.
Parent involvement That Works! Let’s Get Our Parents Hooked!
Brett Esbenshade, Principal, Columbia Borough School District
Workshop Description: The Columbia Borough School District has had a recent history of difficulty with active parent involvement. Through before school, during school and after school events; Park and Taylor Elementary have seen a very large increase in parent involvement during the first quarter of the school year. It is all about having the right incentive/bait for parents! Once hooked, it is important to utilize that face time and make sure you communicate different ideas to increase academic performance. The goals for our events include making sure purr parents feel comfortable with our school community and increasing their toolbox of ideas in literacy and math to help support their children at home.
Participants will learn about the partnerships developed in order to create and maintain successful parent involvement activities and be given specific information about parent involvement activity “March Madness Academic Night.” Survey results from events, successes and struggles will also be shared.
Equity for ELLs: The Lau Remedies
Kenneth Bond, NJDOE
Title III of NCLB is often the only law associated with English Language Learners (ELLs). During this workshop participants will learn about the Lau Remedies (which fall under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act), its implications for districts with ELLs, and what the NJDOE is doing to support district in meeting Lau’s requirements.
Implementation of NJ Classroom Dyslexia Laws
Lynn Zisa, Educational Consultant
One in five American students has dyslexia. Chances are you have one or more students in your classroom. Your students with dyslexia need to be diagnosed, immersed in reading remediation programs and offered accommodations. This workshop will help you understand and recognize dyslexia and you will leave with strategies. This interactive workshop will focus on the implementation of the New Jersey state laws aimed at helping dyslexic children. Participants will gain a better understanding of dyslexia, the significance of early identification of dyslexia and the importance of multisensory instructional approaches for dyslexic students.
7:45-9:00 Registration, Breakfast, and Vendor Exhibits
9:00-9:15 Welcome
9:15-10:15 Keynote Speaker I: Dr. Stephen Peters
10:15-10:25 Networking/Vendors
10:30-11:30 Keynote Speaker II: Mr. Scott Miller
11:45-12:45 Workshop Session I
12:45-1:45 Lunch
1:45-2:45 Workshop Session II
2:45 Certificates/Awards
Fall Training Institute Pricing
- Member Price: $125
- Non-Member Price: $149